Monday, March 28, 2011


We probably won't hear about this on FAUX News or gasbag radio but we have another American terrorist who seems to be a rightwing nut.
Agawam man guilty of threatening prosecutor, possessing ricin
By Stewart Bishop
Globe Correspondent / March 29, 2011

Michael Crooker, 57, entered his plea in US District Court in Boston to one count of mailing a letter containing a threat to injure an officer or employee of the United States, and one count of possessing the toxin, ricin, without the required registration, US Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz said.

In June 2004, federal agents raided Crooker’s home on Springfield Street after they intercepted what appeared to be a homemade firearm silencer Crooker had attempted to send through the mail, prosecutors said.

The following month, angered by the arrest and the raid on his home, Ortiz said, Crooker sent a threatening letter to the assistant US attorney prosecuting his case. In the letter, Ortiz said, Crooker invoked the name of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, and wrote, “As Martyr McVeigh’s T-shirt says: ‘The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time by blood of patriots and tyrants.’ ’’

Ortiz said Crooker then challenged the prosecutor, writing “Bring on your [expletive] and I’ll bring on mine.’’ Crooker also wrote that even an incarcerated person could cripple the US postal system by sending toxins through the mail, according to the US attorney.

With a long history of criminal convictions and of suing the government, Crooker has spent many years in state and federal prison for crimes including larceny and weapons offenses. He has been in custody since his 2004 arrest, Ortiz said.

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