Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Facts about this ship:
Modern U.S. Navy guided missile cruisers perform primarily in a Battle Force role. These ships are multi-mission [Air Warfare (AW), Undersea Warfare (USW), Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS) and Surface Warfare (SUW)] surface combatants capable of supporting carrier battle groups, amphibious forces, or of operating independently and as flagships of surface action groups. Cruisers are equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles giving them additional long range Strike Warfare (STRW) capability. Some Aegis Cruisers have been outfitted with a Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) capability.

Why this is important:
US launches new missile defense program for Europe

(AP) – 4 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. is sending a special radar-equipped warship to the Mediterranean Sea next week, the first step in the development of a broad anti-ballistic missile system to protect Europe against a potential Iranian nuclear threat, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

The move marks the first of the Obama administration's four-phase plan to put land- and sea-based radars and interceptors in several European locations over the next decade.

Endorsed by NATO during a summit in Lisbon last Fall, the missile shield has triggered opposition from Russia and set off lengthy negotiations over the future expanded ability to shoot down ballistic missiles in the region.


Ken Hoop said...

Nato should have been disbanded when the curtain fell. Imperial hubris and waste.

Steve J. said...

I agree.