Wednesday, March 02, 2011

I'VE FORGOTTEN HOW MANY POLLS... that a healthy majority of Americans support unionized government workers retaining their rights to collectively bargain. The latest one is from WSJ/NBC:
WSJ/NBC Poll: Strong Support for Bargaining Rights
By Patrick O'Connor
March 2, 2011, 1:00 PM ET

Americans strongly oppose efforts to strip unionized government workers of their rights to collectively bargain, even as they want public employees to contribute more money to their retirement and health-care benefits, the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll show.

Eliminating collective bargaining rights for public-sector workers over health care, pensions or other benefits would be either “mostly unacceptable” or “totally unacceptable,” 62% of those surveyed said. Only 33% support such limits.

77% of the 1,000 adults interviewed for the poll think unionized state and municipal employees should have the same rights as those union members who work for private companies.

These results agree with the results of earlier nationwide polls by the NYT/CBS and USATODAY/Gallup.

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