Thursday, March 10, 2011


Below I gave a few reasons why Jared Loughner may be associated with rightwing agit-prop and yesterday I found a little more evidence for that claim.
'Sovereign citizens': Is Jared Loughner a sign of revived extremist threat?

Since 2010 began, 'sovereign citizens' have shot police officers, flown a plane into an IRS building, and stolen a strip mall. Jared Loughner, the alleged Tuscon shooter, may be an adherent.
By Patrik Jonsson, Staff writer / March 9, 2011
Christian Science Monitor

Jared Loughner, the suspect in the Feb. 8 shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others in Tucson, Ariz., used "sovereign citizens" talking points, and two well-known sovereign citizens shot to death two West Memphis, Ark., police officers in May 2010.

And Tucson shooting suspect Jared Loughner in his YouTube videos used phrases about literacy and the gold standard that occur frequently in freemen jargon.

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