Sunday, March 06, 2011


(video clip at Mediate)

Jennifer Rubin has been critical of rodeo clown Beck for several good reasons but her defense of two other purveyors of rightwing agit-prop is unacceptable.  Here's the transcript from CNN's Reliable Sources for 3/6/2011:
RUBIN: Well, frankly, if you aren't willing to listen to bad things being said about you, you probably need another profession.

I disagree though very strongly with something that David said. And that is that there are other people whoa re doing the same thing as Beck. And I think we have to be careful not to overgeneralize and put Glenn Beck in the same category as Laura Ingraham and in the same category as Sean Hannity. These are all individuals, and I think they have to be assessed on their --


KURTZ: You see them as responsible conservatives.

RUBIN: I do.

KURTZ: You might agree with every single thing they say.

RUBIN: Correct. Exactly. But they don't engage in this sort of thing. A the telltale sign is you don't see this outcry either on the left or the right directed at them, because, although people may disagree with their views, they're not so outlandish and insulting and beyond the pale.

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