Sunday, March 06, 2011


(h/t mistermix at Balloon Juice)

In a post about the causes of conservative craziness, he makes outlines four possible reasons for absurd beliefs and the first one is priceless:
A conspiracy-theoretic view of the world in which liberal elites (a term encompassing Democrats, unions, schoolteachers, scientists, academics and many others) are plotting to undermine the American way of life and replace it with some unspecified, but awful alternative. In this case, answers to these questions reflect actual beliefs.
This called to mind statements made by Rush Limbaugh last November:
You know, folks, the two universes here -- The Universe of Lies, The Universe of Reality -- they don't overlap anymore. And this is even bigger than global warming, which was my point yesterday. It's about everything that the left is involved in. What this fraud, what the uncovering of this hoax exposes, is the corruption that exists between government and academia and science and the media. Science has been corrupted. We know the media has been corrupted for a long time. Academia has been corrupted. None of what they do is real. It's all lies! It is all oriented toward a political outcome. It's bigger than global warming. And of course science has been corrupted here. Science is being used for political purposes.

So we have now the Four Corners of Deceit, and the two universes in which we live. The Universe of Lies, the Universe of Reality, and The Four Corners of Deceit: Government, academia, science, and media. Those institutions are now corrupt and exist by virtue of deceit. That's how they promulgate themselves; it is how they prosper.


Ken Hoop said...

Anti-elite conspiracy theories are not all absurd. Particularly those which don't allow the unpunished for the economic collapse financial capitalist elites to deflect blame to the much reduced in power unions.

They can be telling signs of a populace properly distrustful of a detached government which has created a destructively out of control Empire.

Steve J. said...

I get that but Limbaugh is using that logic to protect the Masters of the Universe.