Friday, March 25, 2011


"Obama is helping Al-Qaida in Libya."

I don't know who spread this but it's based upon an article in the conservative British rag The Telegraph and has been posted on this POLITICO thread.  The supposed Al-Qaida leader doesn't sound at all like he's a true believer (h/t The Long War Journal):

"I sent over about 25," al Hasadi told Il Sole's reporter. "Some came back, and today are on the Ajdabiya front; they are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists. I condemn the September 11 attacks, and attacks against innocent civilians in general. But the members of al Qaeda are also good Muslims, and are fighting against the invader."


Ken Hoop said...

Today Gates is pictured smiling & shaking hands with Netanyahu as Bennie threatens to do a "Khaddafi" on Gaza. Now, if anyone believes O's attack on Khaddafi is gonna help the image of America in the Arab-Moslem world, he's a fool.

Steve J. said...


That's really bad news....