Tuesday, March 29, 2011


(h/t wilkyjr at Talk to Action)

I rarely listen to local religious radio stations so I don't realize how they are a powerful ally of the conservative secular stations.   I was convinced  that the Religious Right was slowly fading away but I was wrong, according to Prof. Tony Campolo.   Here's what he recently wrote in Christian Ethics Today:
There are reasons why Religious Right Evangelicals will continue to dominate religious discourse, not only in their own sector of the Christian community, but also in what transpires in mainline denominations.
The first reason for the preponderant influence of those Evangelicals who define themselves as advocates of Religious Right theological and political ideologies is that they have both the financial means and technological know-how to make widespread use of modern electronic forms of communication. Flipping the dial through available radio stations there will blare out to any listener an array of broadcasts, 24/7, propagating Religious Right politics, along with what they deem to be “old-time gospel preaching.”

There are now more than 1500 radio stations operated by owners who have a Religious Right political/theological bias. Such broadcasters are almost all members of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), an organization that is overtly oriented to very conservative politics.

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