Friday, March 18, 2011


Because that would force them to admit that their prattle about Libya is mostly another of expression of their hatred of Pres. Obama.
House Intel Chairman: No-Fly Zone "Absolutely the Right Thing to Do"
March 18, 2011
ABC News

After meeting with President Obama at the White House, the Republican Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee told ABC News that using the U.S. military to enforce a no-fly zone is "absolutely the right thing to do," but he warned it could be a long, drawn-out operation.

"It's an incredibly important thing that we show the support not only for our European allies but the Arab league countries who have stepped up in an unprecedented way," Rep. Mike Rogers, R-MI, told ABC News. "This is truly an international effort, and absolutely we should be - play a supporting role here."
I've heard some talk about the need for an official declaration of war but Rep. Rogers doesn't think that's necessary:
Even so, Rogers said he does not believe President Obama needs Congressional authorization to use the U.S. military to help enforce a no-fly zone.

"I don't think he needs it," he said. "He was smart to bring up members of Congress -- both parties -- put us in the Situation room, and talk about what he's planning to do, to try to build congressional support. I think that was the right decision, we do have to be in this together, there's a lot going on in the world, the United States is in a lot of places right now, we need to do this together if we're going to do it at all."

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