Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Since last week, rightwing radio gasbags have relentlessly attacked Pres. Obama for ordering a military intervention in Libya but the attack doesn't seem to have caught on yet with the American public.
Half or more of U.S. public supports Obama on Libya
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – At least half the U.S. public approves of President Barack Obama's military action in Libya, despite growing criticism from Republicans and some Democrats in Congress, recent polling data suggests.

A CBS News poll released on Tuesday said just 29 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of the situation in Libya, where a U.S.-led air and naval force has established a no-fly zone over much of the country.

Exactly half of the 1,022 adults polled by CBS approved of Obama's actions while 1-in-5 Americans had no opinion.

That compares with 70 percent approval for U.S. military action in a recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp poll that put the opposition at 27 percent.

In both cases, polling began last Friday, a day after the U.N. Security Council authorized military action against the Libyan government, and continued through the commencement of hostilities on Saturday.


Ken Hoop said...

Not all Dems have the fortitude and patriotic vision of Dennis Kucinich.

Steve J. said...

I was glad to see Kucinich and other Dems oppose the Libya miove even though I think it was justified because it's a little more proof that we liberals aren't monolithic.

Ken Hoop said...

You're obviously not a doctrinaire anti-interventionist. The overwhelming majority of Mideasteners,including the Libyans
immediately after Khaddafi is deposed hypothetically (parallel Saddam's Shia enemies) being familiar with the past fifty years of US intervention, minus the Israelis, would prefer you were. So US policy there imo is doomed.