Monday, March 07, 2011


You may know that Frank Buckles was the last surviving WW I veteran and some have wanted to give him the honor of  lying in state in the rotunda.   So far, Speaker Boehner has denied permission but you wouldn't know that if you listened to Mark Levin's sub for today, Michael Barry of KTRH in Housto.  Barry blamed the refusal on Pres. Obama and claimed that Obama did this because he hates the military.

Here's my evidence:
Boehner blocks move to honor Frank Buckles in Capitol Rotunda; West Virginia senators furious

By Nina Mandell

Friday, March 4th 2011, 4:46 PM
Two West Virginia senators and a documentary filmmaker are expressing their dismay after House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) blocked a movement to allow Frank Buckles' body to lay repose in the Capitol Rotunda.

The Buckles' family spokesperson, David DeJonge, told The State Journal of Charleston, W.V. that he wasn't contacted for any of the decisions surrounding Buckles' last honors.

He said he was extremely disappointed that Boehner had blocked the move to honor Buckles.

"This is an error made by the leadership of our country that not only affects the U.S. but the perception of the U.S. by the entire world," DeJonge told the newspaper.

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