Sunday, March 20, 2011


All 3 (ASU, NAU & U of A) are going to lose 10s of millions in state funding this coming fiscal year. This means tuition for in-state students will be $10, 027. That's not much compared to private schools and other state universities but it is a lot for a low-wage state like Arizona.

UA tuition proposal calls for a 22% hike
Becky Pallack Arizona Daily Star Arizona Daily Star | Posted: Saturday, March 19, 2011 12:00 am

The University of Arizona wants to increase base tuition and fees for Arizona students by $1,790 next year, a 22 percent hike.

The increase would raise $22 million in extra tuition revenue for the UA. Gov. Jan Brewer has proposed a $67 million budget cut for the UA next year, and state Senate leaders have proposed a $92 million cut. The UA would make up the balance of the deficit through reduced spending and use of federal stimulus dollars.

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