Wednesday, March 02, 2011


I was wondering if we were going to cross the line into real political madness as several other states came close to doing.
Arizona Senate rejects bill on nullifying US laws

Posted: Mar 2, 2011 3:53 PM
PHOENIX (AP) - The Arizona Senate has rejected a states' rights measure to create a nullification process for the state to declare a federal law unconstitutional.

The Senate's vote on the bill on Wednesday was 12-18, with the bill's sponsor voting against it at the last minute to set the stage for a possible second vote on a future date.

The bill would have created a legislative commission to review federal laws, mandates and executive orders and make recommendations for nullification of those deemed to violate state sovereignty.

The Senate's majority Republicans were split on the bill. All nine Democrats voted against it.
The Senate sponsors is this bill, SB 1433, were all Republicans:
Lori Klein District 6
Sylvia Allen District 5
Judy Burges District 4
Jack W. Harper District 4
Russell Pearce District 18
Steve B. Montenegro District 12

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