Monday, April 25, 2011


I'm just going to briefly list what Wingnut World has given all of us during the last day or so.

Pat Robertson:
Meeuwsen: There are lots of government-funded agencies in this country. Why do you think the President picked that one above all else to say, ‘not one penny’?

Robertson: Well it’s the left; it’s this culture of death. The far-left is livid about killing babies. They want to kill do this, they want to destroy. You go back, and I don’t want to play all this psychological stuff but nevertheless, if a woman is a lesbian, what advantage does she have over a married woman? Or what deficiency does she have?

Meeuwsen: Well she can’t have children

Robertson: That’s exactly right. And so if these married women don’t have children, if they abort their babies, then that kind of puts them on a level playing field. And you say, nobody’s there to express that? Isn’t that shocking, well think about it a little bit ladies and gentlemen.

Chuck Norris:
Martial artist and actor Chuck Norris warned that Shariah, the religious law of Islam, is infiltrating American society in an article published by the fringe conservative news website WorldNetDaily.

Ross Douthat:
Without Hell, life would have no meaning, so it MUST exist.
Robert Watson:
A top state GOP pol in Rhode Island, Watson denounces pot smokers then gets busted for having pot, being high and driving.

Franklin Graham:
Graham, who 10 years ago delivered the opening prayer at the first inauguration of George W. Bush, told ABC's This Week with Christiane Amanpour Sunday that Obama "has some issues to deal with" when it comes to proving his nationality.

"He can solve this whole birth certificate issue pretty quickly," the son of the Rev. Billy Graham said. "I was born in a hospital in Asheville, N.C., and I know that my records are there. You can probably even go and find out what room my mother was in when I was born. I don't know why he can't produce that."

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