Sunday, April 10, 2011


but I think The Donald and the Birthers will demonstrate that the 3rd time isn't the charm.

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims

Comments follow statements by Donald Trump questioning legitimacy of president's birth record
By Michael Isikoff National investigative correspondent
NBC News NBC News

The Hawaiian state health official who personally reviewed Barack Obama's original birth certificate has affirmed again that the document is "real" and denounced "conspiracy theorists" in the so-called "birther" movement for continuing to spread bogus claims about the issue.

"It’s kind of ludicrous at this point," Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the former director of Hawaii's Department of Health, said in a rare telephone interview with NBC.

As the top Hawaiian official in charge of state health records in 2008, when the issue of Obama's birth first arose, Fukino said she thought she had put the matter to rest. Contacted by NBC, Fukino expanded on previous public statements and made two key points when asked about Trump's recent comments.

The first is that the original so-called "long form" birth certificate — described by Hawaiian officials as a "record of live birth" — absolutely exists, located in a bound volume in a file cabinet on the first floor of the state Department of Health. Fukimo said she has personally inspected it — twice.

Before she would do so, Fukino said, she wanted to inspect the files — and did so, taking with her the state official in charge of vital records. She found the original birth record, properly numbered, half typed and half handwritten, and signed by the doctor who delivered Obama, located in the files.
Here's something I didn't know: Hawaiian law does not allow the release or even the copying of the original:
Joshua Wisch, a spokesman for the Hawaii attorney general's office, noted that a public index of vital records, available for inspection in a bound volume at the Health Department's Office of Health Status Monitoring, lists a male child named "Obama II, Barack Hussein" as having been born in the state.

But Wisch, the spokesman for the attorney general's office, said state law does not in fact permit the release of "vital records," including an original "record of live birth" — even to the individual whose birth it records.

"It's a Department of Health record and it can't be released to anybody," he said. Nor do state laws have any provision that authorizes such records to be photocopied, Wisch said. If Obama wanted to personally visit the state health department, he would be permitted to inspect his birth record, Wisch said.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

GG denounces Obama today for his treatment of Manning.

If Obama was really the protectionist free trade skeptic he lied about being during the campaign and if he hadn't wasted more millions drone bombing Afghanistan, there would be no potential opening for Trump.

You might have noticed Trump repeats it could go either way and he sincerely hopes Obama can produce a legit document. I don't believe this tone and tack would cost Trump any working-middle class votes if he ran a polished Protectionist Perot-like anti- Afghan War campaign against free trader pro-war Obama--granted, a big "if."