Friday, April 01, 2011


On his radio show, Glenda Beck claimed that the mainstream media would not cover the story of a young Wisconsin woman who emailed death threats to GOP politicians.    This claim, "mainstream media won't cover X", is almost always false and this one is too. From Google News:

Woman charged with threatening Wisconsin lawmakers

CBS News - Lucy Madison - ‎11 hours ago‎
A 26-year-old woman is being charged with allegedly sending email threats to a handful of Wisconsin lawmakers during the state's contentious battle over collective bargaining rights earlier this month. The woman, Katherine Windels, is being charged ...

Woman faces charges for alleged threats to kill Wisconsin lawmakers

CNN - Rich Phillips - ‎19 hours ago‎
(CNN) -- A Wisconsin woman, apparently enraged over the new state law that limits collective bargaining for government workers, is being accused of sending e-mails to 16 Republican state senators threatening to kill them. ...

26 Year-Old Woman Charged With Sending Death Threats To GOP Senators In Wisconsin

TPMDC - ‎7 hours ago‎
A 26 year-old woman from Cross Plains, WI has been charged with two felonies for allegedly sending death-threat emails to Republican state Senators at the height of the dispute over Gov. Scott Walker's (R) collective bargaining law. ...

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