Monday, April 18, 2011


With the recent entry of Donald Trump on the political scene, we might was well admit it: Presidential elections in America have turned into nothing more than reality shows.  I personally blame John McCain for this because he's the one who chose the woman who would become the Queen of this tragicomic movement, Sarah Palin.   This was complimented by the rise of another Cracker movement, the Tea Party bozos.


Ken Hoop said...

The Left/Dems by turning backs on working-middle protectionist policies in favor of free trade,minority and trendish gender issues opened the door.....

If you lose the founding ethnic core....

Meanwhile the Wall Street dominated GOP was hardly more friendly, the "American Dream"
aspirations of many of the Crackers nothwithstanding.

Steve J. said...

The Dems support of Free Trade has been a disgrace.