Tuesday, April 26, 2011


(h/t Heather at Crooks & Liars)

I heard Fats Limbaugh crow about the remarks Amy Dickinson, who is associated with NPR, made at The Future of News conference in New Orleans on March 27, 2011 (covered by C-SPAN) and I wondered what she could have possibly meant by this remark (rough transcript): [starts at 28:10]
You can almost set a clock, when a story surfaces on Beck or Limbaugh - it's literally days, if that, after Limbaugh or Beck cover a story that it's picked up elsewhere. They actually do cover stories that are not being covered elsewhere.
I never think of Fats or Beck covering a story because they just repeat what others have reported.

Later in the program, Dickinson also said she agreed that there's a liberal bias on NPR news programs.

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