Friday, April 01, 2011


He was a progressive writer who concentrated his coverage on the working/lower class.  Unfortunately, I didn't know about him until after he recently died. I then read his 2007 book, Dear Hunting With Jesus, and found this dispatch from a Fundie "reporter" during the Iraq War:
Blessings from the land of Babylon!

. . . It makes me so angry that these quiet warriors receive no appreciation from the media. . . . The media is a pack of lying, deceiving whores who will go to any length to defeat George Bush and the righteousness of this cause to set these helpless people free from antichrist spirit through Saddam and his wicked sons, Uday and Usay. . . . There are two lords, we follow one or the other. There is JESUS or there is the devil. . . . Call those liberal lying rags like the Washington Post, L.A. Times, N.Y. Times, CBS and the CNN [communist news network] and voice your disapproval of their lying. . . . As the song goes "do you know JESUS and does HE know you."

Michael was an embedded "reporter" who wrote for a church newsletter for an Assembly of God church in Arlington, Virgina.  This attitude toward the media is obviously a major part of the propaganda spewed by the GOP Noise Machine and according to Bageant, has really sunk in with many in the working class.

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