Sunday, April 03, 2011


In Wisconsin, the professors at the state schools have taken some action:
UW Stevens Point becomes 5th school in System to unionize

Faculty representatives credit Walker’s budget repair bill for overwhelming majority in vote
By Pam Selman
Sunday, April 3, 2011 12:05 a.m.
Updated Sunday, April 3, 2011 10:02:16 p.m.

Faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point voted with an overwhelming majority last week to join the American Federation of Teachers — a move to unionize that faculty said would not have been nearly as strong without Gov. Scott Walker’s collective bargaining bill.

With a vote of 283-15, UW-SP communications professor Karlene Ferrant said the decision would give faculty more of a voice and send a message to the governor.


Ken Hoop said...

Talk host and for a long while only sporadically active attorney Bill Cunningham had a history as a pro-labor lawyer much earlier in his career (and his wife, now a judge also,) and has parted company with the Limbaugh crowd and come out strongly against Kasich and Walker for going "too far."

Steve J. said...

Thanx Ken!

I didn't know that about Uncle Billy.


Ken Hoop said...

If this is the Seitz i-view, it's a prime example. But Cunningham is inconsistently undependable. Today, he was all enthused about Pawlenty running against Obama, even though Pawlenty supports both wars Cunningham has supposedly turend against.