Sunday, April 17, 2011


The Arizona Republic has an online state budget calculator and wants people to try their hand at fixing the state's finances.  I managed to get to a $701.4 million surplus by choosing the following:
$375 million Taxes Establish racinos -- slot machines at dog- and horse-racing tracks

$1 billion Taxes Raise the sales tax

$345 million Taxes Reverse the 10 percent cut to income tax approved in 2006

$131.4 million Taxes Tax business and personal services at 1 percent
If you don't think the state needs this money, consider these statistics, also from The Arizona Republic:
In February, there were 1.1 million food-stamp recipients, double the number in 2007. Enrollment in the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, the state's Medicaid program, grew by roughly 30 percent to a record 1.35 million members

More than one in five Arizona residents lives in poverty, according to census data, compared with the national average of 14.3 percent.

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