Monday, May 30, 2011


(h/t David Weigel)

I recall reading a headline about Democrats wanting to raise taxes to 62% and I didn't bother following the link because I figured it was just more Hannity-type nonsense.  According to Ryan Chittum, it's a bit worse than I thought:
Stephen Moore of The Wall Street Journal editorial board hacks out an instant classic on how to mislead people with numbers.

The top marginal tax rate is just 35 percent now, of course. So how does Moore come up with the idea that Obama and the Democrats are pitching a 62 percent tax rate for the rich? Disingenuously.

For Moore’s headline purposes he includes state taxes to get to 62 percent, but when he compare it to rates under Reagan, he doesn’t include state taxes.

The comparison is much more misleading than that, really. Moore is also including things like payroll taxes to come up with his fake 62 percent number, while not including them in that 28 percent Reagan figure. You can’t do that, boss.

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