Sunday, May 22, 2011


On April 30th, the Tucson Tea Party had another rally and there were some prominent outsiders showcased:
Andrew Breitbart, Dana Loesch, Dr. Larry Schweikart, AlfonZo Rachel, Jim Hoft, Bill Hennessy and special musical performances by Jadi Norris.
From the pictures I saw, including the one below, there were not more than 1,000 people at the rally, nowhere near the more than 2,000 that was claimed.

Attendance was much worse at a Bagger rally this May in South Carolina, even with the governor speaking:

(h/t Kevin Drum)

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Schweikart was/is an Iraq War justifier and hawk
who predicted victory early in the war and went on sugarcoating the actual status which even today is bleak.

If this is typical of tea party heroes, they still haven't got it together.