Thursday, May 26, 2011


Kevin asks what the GOP has to offer voters and I made a few additions:
What does the GOP have to say to hard-pressed voters? Thus far the answer is: we offer Medicare cuts for you and your children, Medicaid cuts for you and your family, cuts to NPR and Planned Parenthood, reduced taxes for CEOs and other fat cats, deregulation for the banksters and tighter money aimed at wrecking American industry by making our goods too expensive for anyone overseas to afford. Plus lots of wars and unquestioning support for the Israeli right! Don't forget that.


Ken Hoop said...

Oh, yeah. Doc Thompson a Clear Channel WLW blatherer spent several segments today fomenting audience anger at the possibility of reducing money for the troops, Obama of course being the contrived distracting villain.

As for supporting legislation to cut off funds for either war for the past ten years he's been on Clear Channel, sometimes subbing for Israel's boyo Glenn Beck..... not once. In fact, not even an overt call for either war to end. Saving troop lives and taxpayer treasure for the past ten years...not Quack's forte'.

Ken Hoop said...

i hate to make Cincy a disproportiate subject, but otoh, WLW has an illustrative radio history, if you check wiki.
So its weak sister station Clear Channel wkrc has this poseur Brian Thomas who admits he's ignorant on Mideast affairs, but curiously like all Clear Channel jabberers, never fails to trust a Jewish neocon as expert Middle East guest. Today it was "convert" Jordan Sekulow who of course gave the objective Likudist history of the theft of Palestine. And how Obama threatens it.

Please note, Thomas bills himself constantly as a small government libertarian and a laisse-faire Christian.

So it would seem he would trust an antiwar Palestinian libertarian

or a Palestinian Christian history professor

before he would trust a Jewish Big Government pro-war neocon who worked for Bush-Cheney and Mitt Romney.

Not so, in fact Thomas has never had one guest on representing the Arab or Palestinians outlook on matters Middle East in the several years he's been on-air. Big government spend trillions on Israel and wars for Israel Jewish and pro-Zionist whores? Dozens.