Friday, May 20, 2011


Today Levin unfavorably compared Obama to Netanyahu and it was mostly more the of same old "community organizer" know-nothing versus a very knowledgeable statesman.  The wingnuts attack on Pres. Obama doesn't seem to have caught on with the general public, to judge by the number of comments on the relevant POLITICO threads.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

The perhaps just fear is of losing big Jewish campaign contriibutions.

Obama would have no problem telling Rand Paul & majority Anglo sympathizers that returning to the era of businessess practising segregation by right is not in the national interest.

Could he address the American Jewish community frankly with reference to it being in the national interest that Israel return to the 1967 borders, allow the right of Palestinian return, and dramatically lessen hatred for the United States in the Arab-Moslem world and the costs in blood and treasure of fighting (he might put it "defending against") unnecessarily made enemies?