Friday, May 06, 2011


First, we have been told by the CIA Director that only 3 detainees were waterboarded:
"Waterboarding has been used on only three detainees," Hayden told the Senate Intelligence Committee, publicly specifying the number of subjects and naming them for the first time, as Congress considers banning the technique.

Those subjected to waterboarding were al Qaeda suspects Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, Hayden said.

Second, of these three, only Khalid Sheik Mohammed was asked about OBL's courier AND HE LIED ABOUT HIM:
According to an American official, familiar with his interrogation, Mr. Mohammed was first asked about Mr. Kuwaiti in the fall of 2003, months after the waterboarding. He acknowledged having known him but said the courier was “retired” and of little significance.

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