Monday, May 23, 2011


Rick Ungar at Forbes (of all places) writes that Obamacare is doing very well in one area - getting adults under 26 insured:
The provision of the law that permits young adults under 26, long the largest uninsured demographic in the country, to remain on their parents’ health insurance program resulted in at least 600,000 newly insured Americans during the first quarter of 2011.
And if you didn't know, this was the point:
Because the under 26 crowd tends not to get sick, adding them to the insurance pools helps bring the very balance that was intended by the new law. The more healthy people available to pay for those in the pool who are ill (translation- the older people), the better the system works and the lower our premium charges should go.

1 comment:

iolite said...

Insurance is the best way to protect the health. This is great if in parents’ health insurance program resulted in at least 600,000 newly insured Americans during the first quarter of 2011. so many people are now secure.