Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Would anyone still care about this clown if FAUX didn't keep having her as a guest?

Ann Coulter Wants Chris Christie: 'Need A Big Man After That Beanpole In The White House'

by Matt Schneider
Ann Coulter appeared on Fox Business Network's The Willis Report and wasn't shy about expressing her admiration for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, gushing "I love him so much." 

Bill O'Reilly Challenges Ann Coulter's Claim That Afghanistan Is Not A Winnable War

by Frances Martel
Bill O'Reilly introduced his first guest of tonight's show emphasizing the bizarre position she now found herself in: "does it make you queasy that you are now in agreement with some on the far left about Afghanistan?"

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Bill Cunningham is on vacation and/or in New York filming his new TV show. He called into his own WLW local show today, Matt Patrick hosting. Patrick has come off a "we killed bin Laden high" to "we're gonna lose Afghanistan" in one quick swoop.

Cunningham, who has been braying that Afghanistan has nothing there to win for many months now quickly shifted gears, now that Obama is however haltingly to a fault, removing US troops. Clown Cunningham had the unmitigated gall to say
Obama is not letting the troops win, guranteeing another Vietnam like defeat.

Cunningham incidentially avoided Vietnam when it was his time to serve but repeatedly brags that he defended Xavier University from possible Viet Cong attacks.

This rounds out the clown's hypocrisy when he initiated it by shifting from his local "carpet bomb Iraq back to the Stone Age" to inferring on his newer national show that he had always opposed the Iraq War.