Thursday, June 02, 2011


(h/t Andrew Sullivan)

Glenda, Sean, Fats and Foamer are still whining about Pres. Obama's position on Israel's borders but Meir Dagan, the head of Mossad from 2002-2010, is in favor of withdrawing to the 1967 borders WITHOUT land swaps.
Former Mossad head advocates Saudi peace plan
Jason Koutsoukis
June 3, 2011
Sydney Morning Herald

JERUSALEM: A former chief of Israeli intelligence, Meir Dagan, has urged political leaders to embrace the so-called Saudi peace initiative under which Israel would withdraw to its 1967 borders and give East Jerusalem back to the Palestinians.

The Saudi peace initiative, also known as the Arab peace initiative, was first proposed in 2002 and also calls for a ''just'' solution to the Palestinian refugee crisis.

In return, the world's Arab and Muslim states would sign a peace agreement with Israel and establish normal relations with it within the framework of a comprehensive peace.


Ken Hoop said...

I hope the Pals, however, ignore Obama's plea not to declare nationhood.

Meanwhile Kucinich is performing a service and Boehner and the GOP elite are protecting Obama's war.

Steve J. said...

Boehner and the GOP elite are protecting Obama's war.

I wonder what the Baggers think?

Ken Hoop said...

They will probably still love Bachmann after her just released
"in love with Israel" video. said...

It won't really have effect, I consider like this. said...

Very helpful piece of writing, much thanks for the article.