Friday, June 03, 2011


(h/t BuzzFlash)

Sam Pizzigati at CFAF delves into a new white paper from Ad Age and comes to a startling conclusion:
Madison Avenue Declares 'Mass Affluence' Over

Here's the original Ad Age write up:
On the Road to Riches: Those Under 35 With $100K Household Income
Study Finds Growth for Brands Will Come From Those in 'Emerging' Tier to Wealth
By: David Hirschman Bio
RSS feed
Published: May 22, 2011

The wake of the global economic recession has shown a spotlight on the yawning divide between the richest Americans and everyone else -- inflation-adjusted incomes of most American workers have remained more or less static since the 1970s, the income of the rich (and the very rich) has grown exponentially. The top 1% alone control nearly 40% of the wealth.

And while the social and political effects of this inequality may be cause for concern, the accrual of wealth among the very few is of great consequence for marketers, since 10% of U.S. households "account for almost half of the consumer spending" and represent about one-third of total GDP, according to the American Affluence Research Council.

Simply put, a small plutocracy of wealthy elites drives a larger and larger share of total consumer spending and has outsize purchasing influence -- particularly in categories such as technology, financial services, travel, automotive, apparel and personal care.


Ken Hoop said...

Libertarians are a confused lot.

Rand Paul on Hannity said anyone who merely attended a rally where the speaker advocated the overthrow of the government should be arrested.

Steve J. said...

Rand Paul on Hannity said anyone who merely attended a rally where the speaker advocated the overthrow of the government should be arrested.

I read some of the buzz about his remarks and I just wasn't surprised because I don't think he has a coherent political philosophy.