Saturday, June 04, 2011


If you don't know that Levin once worked for Reagan's Justice Dept., he will be glad to tell you because he uses that experience to enhance his claim to be knowledgeable about the workings of the Federal government. Yesterday, he noted that the WH counsel will step down and told his listeners that such an unusual event meant that serious legal trouble for Pres. Obama was on the horizon.

Here's the truth:
Bauer to Step Down as White House Counsel
June 2, 2011, 12:24 pm
NY Times

The White House counsel, Robert F. Bauer, will return to private practice at the end of June and resume his role as lawyer for the Democratic Party and Mr. Obama’s re-election campaign, President Obama announced on Thursday. Mr. Bauer will replaced by the deputy presidential counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler.

“Bob was a critical member of the White House team,” Mr. Obama said in a statement. “He has exceptional judgment, wisdom and intellect, and he will continue to be one of my close advisers.”

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