Sunday, June 05, 2011


I caught a little bit of a re-broadcast of a Neal Boortz radio show this morning and he brought up a post on American Thinker by John Drew.  Drew claims to have met Obama in December 1980 and claims that then, Obama was a committed Marxist.  I'm a little suspicious of Drew's claims because despite claiming to have been a serious student of Marxism, he didn't know much about Frantz Fanon and colonialism:
I know this may be implausible to some readers, but I distinctly remember Obama surprising me by bringing up Frantz Fanon and colonialism. He impressed me with his knowledge of these two topics, topics which were not among my strong points -- or of overwhelming concern to me.

I also caught a bit of Jay "Israel First" Sekulow's radio show and he and his guest Sen. Orrin Hatch agreed that Pres. Obama had harmed Israel by even mentioning the 1967 borders.

1 comment:

John C. Drew, Ph.D. said...

To be fair, I did not know much about Fanon, but I did complete my undergraduate thesis on the topic of Marxist economics. Frankly, I don't think there is anyone on America more likely to provide an accurate view of young Obama's ideological agenda at that time than me. I went on to become a political science professor.