Sunday, June 19, 2011


Mark Levin and 5 other radio gasbags endorsed Mittens in for the 2008 primaries.  Here's what Foamer had to say:

Mark Levin
''Let's face it, none of the candidates are perfect. They never are. But McCain is the least perfect of the viable candidates. The only one left standing, the only one, after all these weeks of voting, who can honestly be said to share most, most of our conservative principles is Romney... If conservatives, people who care about the future of the Republican Party, don't unite behind Romney at this stage, and I mean right now, and become vocal in their support for him, if they don't coalesce around this one candidate, I'm talking about you folks who continue to vote for Huckabee knowing full well he can't win, then you will get McCain as the republican nominee and you will likely get Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama as president of the United States.'' (Mark Levin, 1-minute audio clip from 27 1/2 minutes into show)
Play  Mark Levin Show - Jan 31, 2008
So far this year, both Fats and Foamer have opposed Romney.

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