Thursday, June 30, 2011


On the Charlie Rose Show this Tuesday, Friedman lit into rightwing hacks who think Jerusalem is the capitol of America:
Friedman: You really have, you know, one party, the Palestinians, who are too divided now between Hamas and Fatah to make a big decision. And you have the Israelis who are just too uninterested. I mean, Israel today, I’m sorry, it has the most inbred, unimaginative government I think it’s ever had, you know. And you know, I think, look, we talked about this so many times, there are real issues Israel faces, security, legitimation, whatnot. But there’s one simple thing--you can say what you want and all these American Jews criticizing Obama, he’s anti-Israel--it’s all crap, OK? Can I say that on your show? It is pure crap, all right? The guy is trying to do the right thing. Media Research Center, Times Watch, 6/23/2011
Mark Levin almost broke FCC indecency rules and I'm surprised there haven't been more wingers attacking Friedman.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Don't give Zionist lite Friedman too much credit. He seems to "accidentially" omit delineating all the dirty ops Israel has used to keep the Palestinians as factionalized as possible.