Monday, July 25, 2011


I can't think of another U.S. Senator openly stating he'd rather see the entire country come to harm rather than compromise his ideology. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) is the first and I fear not the last. From Ian Millhiser at Think Progress:
CHRIS MATTHEWS: How many days do you think we have, on the outside, to get this debt ceiling through before we have a problem? How many days?

LEE: I don’t know, maybe ten days.

MATTHEWS: Okay, in ten days you want to change the United States Constitution by two-thirds vote in both houses? That’s what you’re demanding.

LEE: Yes. If possible we can’t change the Constitution just in Congress but we can submit it to the states. Let the states fight it out.

MATTHEWS: And you think you’re being reasonable by saying you want a two-thirds vote in the House, which is Republican, and in the Senate which is Democrat. You want the Democratic Senate, by a two-thirds vote, to pass a constitutional amendment or you want the house to come down?

LEE: Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying and I’ve been saying this for six months.


Ken Hoop said...

I agree however with Mike Hudson who says the whole crisis is manufactured on both sides.

Steve J. said...


I'll take a look at what Hudson had to say.

Steve J.