Sunday, July 03, 2011


The Dobson-less version of Focus on the Family is not only less blatantly political, it's also veering dangerously close to Marxism (if you take Glenda Beck seriously):
Refocusing on the Family
Like many evangelical organizations that were built in the past 50 years, Focus on the Family is attempting to thrive—and survive—past its founder.
Sarah Pulliam Bailey | posted 7/01/2011 10:27AM
Christianity Today

In many ways, Focus represents a larger struggle in evangelicalism over political and cultural engagement and the issues it prioritizes.

"Many traditional evangelicals are struggling with, What does evangelicalism mean?" says Dale Buss, author of Dobson's biography. "They still care about the same issues and they still agitate politically. But do we keep going back to abortion and gay marriage or be more responsive on issues the millennial generation is interested in, like sex trafficking and other social justice issues?"
In a related article in the same magazine, Dobson's adopted son Ryan is a bit more direct:
"Most people don't think 'Dobson' and think humanitarianism and helping the homeless or clean water or food or shelter or Haiti or Katrina, any of those things," he says.

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