Monday, July 11, 2011


Glenda Beck only spoke before a Knesset committee - Immigration, Absorption, and Diaspora Affairs Committee - not the entire chamber.  The invitation came from a member of the right-wing  Likud Party:
Introduced by an extremely appreciative Knesset Member Danny Danon, Beck explained that his rally was meant to inspire America to learn from Israel, and quoted the Bible to express his solidarity to the nation.

Danon, deputy speaker of the committee and member of the Likud Party, thanked Beck greatly for his work for Israel, saying that if Israel had no Glenn Beck, “We would have invented a Glenn Beck, because we need more people like you.” He also explained the invitation in the first place, which came to some as a surprise:

We invited Glenn Beck to our committee because he has done such a wonderful job of explaining the basic truth on his programs,” said Danon, the Knesset’s deputy speaker. “Israel has always been and always will be the homeland of the Jewish People, and any attempts to delegitimize this right should not be accepted by fair and free people around the world.”

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