Sunday, July 31, 2011


Once again, we haven't been told the truth about the situation in Iraq:
Iraq ‘less safe’ than a year ago, US inspector says
Report comes amid uncertainty over withdrawal
By Ed O’Keefe
Washington Post / July 31, 2011

Iraq remains an extraordinarily dangerous place to work,’’ Stuart Bowen, the US special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, wrote in his quarterly report to Congress and the Obama administration. “It is less safe, in my judgment, than 12 months ago.’’

The findings contrast with public statements by US diplomatic and military officials in Iraq and come as Washington awaits a final decision by Iraqi leaders on whether they want US troops to stay in the country beyond the expiration of a three-year security agreement in December.
You may recall that 4 years ago, Kirkuk was a source of tension because the Kurds think it should be under their control.  It's STILL a problem:
Analysis: Kurds serve warning as U.S. withdrawal nears
By Jim Loney

KIRKUK, Iraq | Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:32am EDT

KIRKUK, Iraq (Reuters) - When Iraq's northern Kurdish region sent a division of troops to surround Kirkuk in February, it may have been a signal of the delicate balancing act to come when U.S. forces leave the disputed oil city.

As violence ebbs, Kirkuk and other disputed northern areas are considered potential flashpoints for future conflict in a country hobbled by ethnic, religious and political strife.

Iraqi and Kurdish troops have come close to blows in the past two years as Baghdad tightened its grip on Kirkuk.


Ken Hoop said...

I don't believe truthtellers like Nir Rosen and Patrick Cockburn EVER conceded the surge worked, which it didn't by its own pre-launch stated terms.

Ken Hoop said...

Another wryly stated perspective.
I guess the game now is pretending
we didn't lose in any political regard.

I've held that a military draft
would be necessary to even have the numbers necessary for a chance of US policy as is succeeding the Mideast/ Muslim world.

"As is."

I.E. not that I'd favor it, but the "Empire" might well control the Mideast,thru the carrot and the stick, without Israel as an "ally." (albatross). But not with it.