Friday, July 22, 2011


Pres. Obama has been vilified so much and so often by the GOP Noise Machine and politicians like Bachmann that getting to a compromise on the debt ceiling may be impossible because in Wingnut World, Pres. Obama is a mixture of Stalin and Satan.  In Tomasky's words:
We’ve watched for three years now as the right has unloaded every manner of vitriol on Obama it can think of. Muslim, socialist, communist, fascist, terrorist, what have you. ... If you say someone is a terrible American, even if you’re just joking at first, eventually you believe it. And if you believe it, how can you negotiate with the person? You can’t. You can only defeat him.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Krugman's "Conceder-In Cheif" blog post today offers what seems the more commonly held Left-Liberal analysis as of now.