Friday, August 26, 2011


The conservative movement rewards mediocrities like Jonah Goldberg and punishes competent people like David Frum and Bruce Bartlett.  In this piece ostensibly about Gov. Goodhair Secession he writes:
“Every faith,” Keller writes, “has its baggage, and every faith holds beliefs that will seem bizarre to outsiders. I grew up believing that a priest could turn a bread wafer into the actual flesh of Christ.”

I hope his current priest doesn’t mind when he calls Holy Communion “baggage.”
This concept is known as transubstatiation and was one the major objections to Catholic doctrine during the Protestant Reformation.

Pantload also claims that evangelical Christianity is limited to Protestants:
Bill Keller, the outgoing editor of the New York Times, agonized recently that “Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum are all affiliated with fervid subsets of evangelical Christianity.” Actually, Santorum is a fairly famous Catholic, but that’s tomaytoh, tomahto for Keller, apparently.
That would be big news to Evangelical Catholics.

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