Thursday, August 18, 2011


A couple of months ago I became tired of listening to gasbag radio but now that there seems to be some real divisions in Wingnut World, I think I may start monitoring again in part because some folks at the NRO seem to have given up on the Baggers:
Iowa Debate, Round Two
August 11, 2011 9:54 P.M.
By Kevin D. Williamson

Every candidate said he would oppose a cuts-taxes plan that contained a 10:1 ratio of cuts to taxes. Chalk one up to the crazies. If Congress wanted to get rid of tax exemptions and exclusions amounting to $100 billion in new taxes in exchange for $1 trillion in cuts, and Republicans turned the deal down, I would personally drive down to Washington and pelt them with rotten vegetables, and possibly with rocks. $100 billion in new taxes plus $1 trillion in cuts balances the budget in 2012.


Ken Hoop said...

I wonder how many in the Tea Party realize they are being manipulated into cutting "entitlements" but not war spending.....and how many don't care. But Obama leans their way anyway,as Glenn Greenwald has shown.

Steve J. said...

I wonder how many in the Tea Party realize they are being manipulated into cutting "entitlements"

The Baggers think only "those people" get entitlements.