Tuesday, September 13, 2011


They and one of their favorite candidates have exposed the hatred, lies and ignorance that make up so much of the Bagger ethic. I was glad to see that this story about Bagger hatred made the front page of Yahoo News:
The comments on the Yahoo News thread are predominently hostile to the Bagger reaction and some, like this one, are pretty insightful:
Michele "The Eyes" Bachmann made a false connection between the HPV vaccine and mental retardation, something that even Fats Limbaugh said was BS:
“Michele Bachmann, she might have blown it today. Well, not blown it but she might have jumped the shark today — if she’d have just left it alone on this vaccination thing from last night,” he said.
“She’s now out saying this vaccination, Gardasil, causes mental retardation…that’s jumping the shark on this,” Limbaugh continued, joining the chorus of conservative pundits who condemned Bachmann’s words today. “There’s no evidence that the vaccine causes mental retardation. That’s a shame.”
Many other conservatives/libertarians also attacked The Eyes:
ACE OF SPADES: Bachmann: I'm A-Goin' to Go Ahead and Push This Lunatic Vaccines=Autism Lie

ED MORRISSEY AT HOT AIR: "The most charitable analysis that can be offered in this case for Bachmann is that she got duped into repeating a vaccine-scare urban legend on national television. "

SISTER TOLDJAH: "Michele Bachmann may be torpedoing her own campaign by seeming to join the “Jenny McCarthy Anti-Vaccination Club for Kooks.”

PAJAMAS MEDIA: "Absent any solid evidence, which she doesn’t provide, Bachmann is becoming the junk science candidate."

THE VOLOKH CONSPIRACY:Bachmann Embraces Irresponsible Anti-Vaccine Views

REASON MAGAZINE: Michele Bachmann Proves She's an Anti-Science Idiot
UPDATE: Even Sean "The Baby Jesus" Hannity said there was no evidence for Bachmann's claim.

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