Thursday, September 15, 2011


The intro to Hannity's radio show has been airing congratulations from famous and not so famous people for his 10th anniversary in national syndication. Today, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu was the featured shill. In other right-wing fundamentalist news, Robert George, Princeton's leading Fundie professor, praise the Jewish Orthodox rabbis for their stand against Weprin and for Turner in NY-9:
The letter from the rabbonim went farther than anything I recall Catholic bishops saying by asserting that under Jewish law "it is incumbent on every Jew" to support and vote for Weprin's opponent, "if the opposing candidate is committed to safeguarding the moral values that made made this Republic great, including the educational, religious. and parental freedoms of Torah adherents, defending family values, opposing abortion on demand, protecting the moral environment, opposing the radical LGBT (To'aiva) agenda, including opposing legislation of civil unions, as well as defending the security of our brothers internationally, particularly in Eretz Yisroel."

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