Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I rarely get to use that phrase at all seriously but thanx to 4 conservatives, today is different.

First up is Rep.John Fleming (R-LA) who is so out of touch he complained about only have an after-tax income of $600,000. This boob made the front page of Yahoo News:
Right now, there are 12,893 comments on the Yahoo News Discussion Thread and most people are pounding on Fleming.

The second conservative moral dwarf is Gasbag Bill O'Reilly, who has threatened to quit working if Pres. Obama raises taxes on him "too much."   I'm sure BOR knows there are know millions praying for a large increase.

The 3rd and 4th conservatives are Fats Limbaugh and Glenda Beck, both of whom railed about a provision in Pres. Obama's jobs bill that would make discriminating in hiring against the long-term unemployed a civil offense. Fats didn't think this was a problem at all but that just shows he's out of touch (much like John Fleming).  I didn't catch Glenda's reasoning but I did catch his "moral" outrage.

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