Sunday, September 11, 2011


The conservatards have been whining for months about the dire weakness of the U.S. economy and the need to enact severe austerity measures (like eliminate unemployment insurance) to save America.  The rest of the world has a much different perspective:
Yields fall to 60-year lows on Europe worries
By Chris Reese | Reuters – Fri, Sep 9, 2011

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Treasury debt prices rose on Friday, taking benchmark yields to the lowest in at least 60 years as investors looked for a safe haven on revived worries a European debt crisis could have a significant global impact.

Benchmark 10-year notes were trading 19/32 higher in price to yield 1.91 percent, down from 1.98 percent late Thursday. Benchmark yields touched 1.896 percent, marking the lowest since at least World War II.

Thirty-year Treasury bonds were trading 1-10/32 higher in price to yield 3.25 percent, down from 3.31 percent late Thursday.

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