Thursday, September 29, 2011


The GOP Noise Machine is very much alive and well but I've noticed that there is much more division within conservative circles than I've seen in years.  The first radio gasbag who made me aware of this is Billy Cunningham, who definitely wants to us to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, something his best buddy Sean Hannity is against.  William Kristol expressed his exasperation with all the candidates and after that, I noticed that another radio backbencher (Mark Levin's phrase), John Gibson, is also not on board the "deport them all" Bagger Express and last night he went so far as to make fun of The Eyes Bachmann for her insistence on ideological purity.   Bachmann herself has also been criticizing Romney and Perry and Herman Cain has openly stated he could not support Rick Perry as the GOP nominee.  Despite the fact that his buddy Mark "Foamer" Levin despises Chris Christie, Fats Limbaugh said that he doesn't think "There’s Anyone Out There Who’s Better."

I think the extremism of the Baggers has seriously disturbed the conservatives in America and that has led to an increase in disunity.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Don't kid yourself. The ruling elite will oppose any healthy reform as "extremism" whether of the ostensible left or right, and vouch for their own continued rule to ruin as "moderation."