Saturday, September 17, 2011


Today on his radio show he mentioned that Israel was much more socialist that he was but didn't give any details.  One major difference I found is in health care: Israel has mandatory universal coverage:
Two laws exist to protect the citizen – Israel National Health Insurance Law (1995) and Israel’s Patient’s Rights Law (1996). Israel’s National Health Insurance Law mandates universal and comprehensive health care and requires every resident of Israel to register with one of Israel’s four health care organizations. The law makes it illegal for health funds to bar applicants on any grounds, including age and state of health and institutionalizes the state’s responsibility to provide residents a broad array of health services, which include medical diagnosis and treatment, preventative medicine and health education, hospitalization, surgery and transplants, first aid and transportation to a hospital, among others.

Israel’s Patient’s Rights Law establishes the ethics for protecting the rights of every person who requests medical care or who is in receipt of medical care with 12 basic principles including the right to medical care, a second opinion, patient dignity and privacy and care under emergency or grave danger.

There are several benefits to the Israeli system. The legislation in place accords citizens real protection and does not leave them vulnerable to socio-economic circumstance or a preexisting medical condition.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Of course not equally applied.