Thursday, September 22, 2011


Walter Russell Mead writes that we shouldn't be that bothered by the Fundies and one day later Gov. Goodhair Recession says this:
Texas Governor Rick Perry said during a New York press conference Tuesday that his Christian faith requires his strong support of Israel.

“I also as a Christian have a clear directive to support Israel, so from my perspective it’s pretty easy,” Perry said when a reporter asked if Perry’s faith was driving his views, according to the Associated Press. “Both as an American and as a Christian, I am going to stand with Israel.”
Think Progress reported that he made a similar statement a couple of years ago:
In 2009, Perry struck a similar tone talking with the Weekly Standard. My faith requires me to support Israel,” he said.


Ken Hoop said...

Yes but Bill Clinton also said publically his preacher told him God would be angry with him if he didn't support Israel.

Meanwhile Palestinian Christian Arab leader Hana Ashwari

Video: Hanan Ashrawi talks about 'Palestinians' delay in 'statehood' vote

says in CNN interview that Obama's UN speech shows a lack of previously expressed empathy for Palestinians and a caving to Zionist Lobby pressure.

Ken Hoop said...

There is little difference between
the Democrat elite's pro-Israel
politics that that of the GOP dominant neocons.

Hence Zelikow.

Ken Hoop said...

Obama could have been getting away with helping Israel more than could a neocon in the past year or so. Perhaps this expose will change that.

Steve J. said...


I just saw that today and I'm astounded that he could do something so foolish.

Ken Hoop said...

My one disagreement perhaps is my belief a third even fourth party movement is necessary to do what Hughes infers can still be done in the present system.