Sunday, October 23, 2011


I noted back in 2005 that private pensions were in trouble but I never followed up. Nicole Belle at Crooks & Liars posted about one person who has kept on this scandal - Ellen Schultz.  Ellen "wrote the book Retirement Heist: How Companies Plunder and Profit from the Nest Eggs of American Workers to illustrate how these corporations have pulled a reverse Robin Hood and robbed from the working poor to give yet even more to the rich."

I'm not surprised that Crooks & Liars reported this but I was surprised that Ellen was on Coast to Coast AM last night:

Coast to Coast also included a brief bio of Ellen:
Ellen E. Schultz is an investigative reporter who has covered the so-called retirement crisis for more than a decade. Her reporting has led to Congressional hearings, proposed legislation, and investigations by the Treasury and the GAO. Schultz, a former staff reporter for The Wall Street Journal, has won dozens of journalism awards for economics, financial, and investigative reporting, including three Polk Awards, two Loeb awards, and a National Press Club award. In 2003, Schultz was part of a team of Wall Street Journal reporters awarded the Pulitzer Prize, for articles on corporate scandals. She lives in New York City.

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