Monday, October 10, 2011


GOD seems to be inordinately interested in the GOP primaries:
Paul, Cain, Romney Draw Buzz at Value Summit
By David Brody
CBN News Chief Political Correspondent
Monday, October 10, 2011

There's no doubt that the buzz at the Values Voter Summit over the weekend has been all about Cain. The crowd adores him. He's gone from long shot to top tier, something he credits God for.

"God's been in this from the beginning because when I first started to feel that I needed to consider running, I did a lot of praying," Cain told CBN News.

"I felt like Moses when God said, 'I want you to go into Egypt and lead my people out,'" he said.

"Moses resisted. I resisted. Moses said you got the wrong person. You can't be talking about me," he said. "I had these conversations with God."

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